Paradise Resort Gold Coast is renowned as a "Heaven for Kids...Paradise for Parents!" Proudly holding the title of Australia's only family resort with a waterpark, ice-rink and kids club all under one roof, there is no need to leave this family accommodation on the Gold Coast.
Located a few minutes walk from the beach and heart of Surfers Paradise, Paradise Resort Gold Coast caters for all families with babies and toddlers through to children 12 years of age.
With family friendly facilities including a real ice-skating rink, giant waterpark, Zone 4 Kids club, lagoon pool and spa, convenience store, restaurant, cafe and bar, and an unrivalled daily activity and entertainment program - it's school holidays everyday at this Gold Coast family resort!
Make the most of your complimentary child supervision with every accommodation booking at Paradise Resort Gold Coast! Every child has access to the Zone for Kids Club - One Session per Stay for FREE! For Gold Coast family accommodation that will ensure your holiday on the Gold Coast will be one to remember, Paradise Resort is the perfect family getaway.